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[教程]Vultr工单申请开放25端口,访问第三方smtp服务器 | VPS精选网


vps使用教程 5年前 (2020-08-13) 6370次浏览

今天给大家介绍下 vultr 主机开放 25 端口的过程。以前都是习惯性的通过 vultr 的 vps 调用三方 smtp 服务器(smtp.163.com)发邮件,一直以来没什么问题。估计以前 vultr 只封了自身主机的 25 端口,没有封访问三方 smtp 的 25 端口的数据流。但是现在访问三方 sntp 服务器的请求都封了。后台面板是无法自助开启 25 端口的,所以要发工单申请开放 25 端口。请求解封的过程很简单,vultr 客服也处理很快,5 分钟之内就解决了。解决过程如下。

0 判断是否可以访问 smtp 服务器 25 端口的方法

telnet smtp.163.com 25 出现以下结果表示可以访问通。

[教程]Vultr 工单申请开放 25 端口,访问第三方 smtp 服务器

1 发送请求开 25 端口工单


Please unblock port 25. WordPress need it open. Thanks!

2vultr 客服回复如下

让你提供你的网站/机构/公司的名称及 url 主页链接



Thank you for contacting us. We have received your SMTP Unblock request. However before we can remove this block, we must verify additional information.

Please reply to this ticket with the following information:
1. The business name and organization URL(s) under which you offer services.
2. Describe, in as much detail as possible, the nature of the emails you intend to send.
3. The volume of email that you plan to deliver on a daily/monthly basis.
We need to know this information to make an informed decision regarding your account settings.

3 回复工单

回复机构名和主页 url,如果你有网站就如实填;如果没有,随便回复一个网页应该也行,客服没有找我核实真实性

回复用途及发邮件的频率,我申请的是每天发 10 封,不知道量大了,客服会不会拒绝申请。

1 XXXX http://www.XXXXX.com
2 Remind the administrator that the system is abnormal
3 It’s estimated to be ten a day

4vultr 客服回复已开通,重启 vps 即可

Thank you for the information provided!
We have removed the default SMTP block on your account. Please re-start your instances via https://my.vultr.com, for the change to take effect (re-starting the server itself _will_not_ work).
If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our support staff is here and happy to assist you.

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