购买使用virmach主机的时候,可能会遇到 IP 被封的情况。具体判断自己 vps 主机的 ip 是否被封,可以参考vps 主机如何判断 IP 被墙、端口被封,以及应对方法 这篇文章。
如果确认 virmach 主机 IP 被封,可以申请更换 IP。接下来详细介绍下 virmach 官方更换 ip 的规则以及具体实际操作步骤
virmach 机房测评报告参考=>Virmach 十大机房网络情况测评与对比
virmach 主机测评=>Virmach 512M/KVM/洛杉矶主机测评—延时/带宽/路由/硬件性能
七折优惠码=>Virmach 重启七折优惠码—价格直降到底|内附使用秘诀
购买教程=>[指南]virmach VPS 主机最全购买教程
Virmach 更换 IP 规则
以下是 virmach 官方对国内用户申明换 ip 的规则。
Chinese Customers: Unable to access your IP?
If you’re having issues accessing your service while living in China then it could be that your IP has been blocked by the Great Firewall of China.
You can easily verify this by using an external web-based ping tool and pinging your service IP – if the IP is pinging on that tool and you are unable to access it then it could be that a hop in the route is blocked or the IP you’ve been assigned is blocked.
In cases like this, we’d recommend you contact our support through the “Contact Us” link in the navbar while logged in. They would then be able to determine whether the IP is blocked by the GFW.
We highly recommend preparing an MTR to provide to the support agent. Please download WinMTR or a similar program, and ping/route to the IP address of your VPS from your computer. Leave this running until at least 500 hops, or iterations. Then please do the same from your VPS, if possible.
After having these pieces of information, we can better diagnose your connection issue if it’s not blocked by the GFW.
However, keep in mind that being blocked by the GFW falls outside the scope of our regular support for plans as this is not something we are in control of.
The cost of an IP change (that we’d verify is accessible through the GFW) would cost $5.
简而言之,如果确认 IP 被墙,更换 ip 需要 5 美元每次。注:特价主机是不支持换 IP 的
Virmach 申请更换 ip 操作步骤
在后台管理界面,点击“switch ip”,按流程提示发工单就可以了。
virmach 主机推荐
类型:OPENVZ CPU:1 核 内存:192M 磁盘:10G 带宽:1Gbps(千兆带宽) 流量:250G/月 价格:$1 每月|$10 每年 购买链接:点击进入 |
类型:KVM CPU:1 核 内存:256M 磁盘:10G SSD raid10 带宽:1Gbps 流量:500G/月 架构:KVM 其他:提供 DDOS 防护 价格:$1.25 每月|$12.5 每年 购买链接:点击进入 |
类型:存储型 CPU:1 核 内存:512M 磁盘:500G 带宽:10Gbps 流量:5T/月 价格:$3.5 每月|$35 每年 购买链接:点击进入 |